The Fly-in Community of Pegasus
by Engineer Designer on February 15, 2014
Pegasus Airpark is located just southeast of Phoenix Arizona. It is near many fascinating areas of the United States including Meteor Crater, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas and Sedona. All these are within a couple hours flying time from the Airpark.
Pegasus Airpark is unique in the fact that the taxiways and the roadways for cars are separate. This is because many of the lots do not support hangers but have access of the condominium hangers at the FBO which is on the field. For many, this is just as good as having a hangar right on one's own property. In such cases the airplane is within walking distance and the owner still has the advantages of a smaller living unit smaller property - and less maintenance.

Though it appears that the original development has sold out there are many properties available for resale and you can find more about it by visiting the website at
The community has a 5000 foot long by 60 foot wide runway. Home sites range from 1 to 1.3 acres. It is in a mountain area and relatively close to Phoenix. Even so, it maintains the charm of a country location and is separate from the hustle and bustle of a larger city.
A many fly in communities around the country do not have an FBO for gasoline available for the residents In these cases the folks have to fly out to find fuel or they choose to store it in private facilities at her own homes. Pegasus Airpark has an FBO and sells gasoline at an excellent price for members.
There is a Residential Homeowners Association which maintains the private roads as well as the very well landscaped entry into the neighborhood. Pegasus Airpark is a gated community. All lot owners are required to belong to the Residential Association as well as the Flight Association. There are Architectural Guidelines which is published which has the intention of enhancing architectural richness while allowing projects to stay within budget. The guidelines address elements like massing, differentiation of plate lines and ridge lines, diverse and interesting roof designs as well as addressing entries, windows, porch design and exterior materials. It is one of the more detailed architectural guidelines that I’ve seen in my experience and shows an heightened interest in maintaining excellent minimum standards for the homes that are being built in the neighborhood. Hangers may be designed connected to the house or can be constructed as separate building. Flat roofs are acceptable as long as there is some sort of parapet to the hide the fact.

One interesting factor is that there is a diagram which shows the sunrise and sunset angles relative to the runway and the taxi way orientations. It is a good idea, on a hangar home, to try to avoid a western exposed hangar doors. This can really make the hangar hot in the afternoons with direct sun beating on the door. It appears, here, that a large portion of the lots available on this property will have north or south orientations which tends to work out very nicely.

Overall, this is a very well designed and well thought out fly-in community with excellent architectural standards, great location, and full of excellent amenities that would make this an excellent choice for living with your airplane. It is especially a great place for those who have a desire to live in the West - with all its magical qualities.