Miscellaneous Videos

I run a busy life. I have routines to accomplish as well as many, many projects and programs I have running at all times. I have a list and project management tools but also need something to help me where the rubber its the road. That is with how to management the single day. It is the single day where we make or break our progress and accomplishments. I will NEVER be so old that I do not have countless games to play and goals to reach. It, from my perspective, defines being alive. A wrote and sell a program that helps folks with this very thing. I have dropped it here on my Engineering Designer site for your possible interest.

I run a busy life. I have routines to accomplish as well as many, many projects and programs I have running at all times. I have a list and project management tools but also need something to help me where the rubber its the road. That is with how to management the single day. It is the single day where we make or break our progress and accomplishments. I will NEVER be so old that I do not have countless games to play and goals to reach. It, from my perspective, defines being alive. A wrote and sell a program that helps folks with this very thing. I have dropped it here on my Engineering Designer site for your possible interest.

This is an older video of a trip Kim and I took to Oshkosh. We were followed and interviewed by "Discovery Wings". 15 minutes of fame and all that :-))