architectural home design

Getting Plans Sealed (buyer beware)

by Engineer Designer on July 3, 2010

Beware when purchasing a set of plans from a website. These plans can look very nice, actually have elements that you would like to have in your own custom home. But these plans are designed generically for as broad an application as they can. Many states do not require these plans to be sealed by an Engineer or Architect. The plans also have options for basements and other foundation systems and engineering systems that are not applicable in all states.

Florida has specially stringent guidelines. Plans, in most permit areas in Florida, require a stamp. This can be quite an ordeal when one discovers that most Engineers and Architects will not place their stamp on another's work.

The governing principles are both ethical and legal.

Taken from the Engineering Statutes 471.033 (Disciplinary proceedings):

(1) The following acts constitute grounds for which the disciplinary actions in subsection (3) may be taken:

(j) Affixing or permitting to be affixed his or her seal, name, or digital signature to any final drawings, specifications, plans, reports, or documents that were not prepared by him or her or under his or her responsible supervision, direction, or control.

If you find an Engineer or Architect who will place their seal upon another's drawing you should be fully aware of this provision. That he or she is willing to compromise this issue may be an indication of other points of unprofessional tendancies.

We can help in such instances but must follow certain protocol.

It is best to have your project designed in Florida by a duly licensed and qualified individual. This is your best ticket to a smooth construction project and a happy ownership and use.

You can check with the Engineer Designer to help you through this maze.

Can you Seal my Plans?

by Engineer Designer on July 3, 2010

As Engineers, we get requests from people, from time to time, to stamp a set of plans that they produced. "I've had architectural training" is a  common mantra; "anyone can draw a set of plans;" they're just plans; a few lines." While adrawingplans can-do attitude is most admirable, (this IS America), and saving money is certainly desirable, it is advisable that one be aware of the risk they are taking by doing so; especially if producing plans in an area that requires an engineer's or architect's seal.

If you have been looking for an Engineer to seal your work and have gotten lots of no's or "Well, okay, but we will have to draw the plans ourselves"  and the like, be aware of why. In F lorida, and most other states, disciplinary action can be taken for (the Engineer):

Affixing or permitting to be affixed his or her seal, name, or digital signature to any final drawings, specifications, plans, reports, or documents that were not prepared by him or her or under his or her responsible supervision, direction, or control. Therefore, if you do the plans and get an Engineer to seal them he or she is potentially violating the Laws and Rules which govern the profession. Even though you might reason that it is the Engineer's problem (and in many ways it is) remember that you are the party to an likely illegal activity. Most might argue that that is not a good way to begin a construction project. Building and Constructing is tough enough, these days. There are plenty challenges even when one does everything right. It is advisable not to add to the difficulties, to save a few bucks, at the beginning, which could give you many problems down the line. If you are looking to have a set of plans done, get them done professionally. Don't skimp on this vital step. A good set of plans will save you time, money and headaches. It will smooth out the building process. You would not hire a butcher to take out your tonsils even with a doctor' s endorsement. You want the doctor to do it. Engineers, as  are doctors, are professionals. We are good to have on your team. Give me a call if you need help. I'll guide you through the maze.

Ethics and Tough Times

by Engineer Designer on July 3, 2010

The word ethics is, at times, poorly used. It is commonly equated with a set of laws or mores that must or should be followed by a professional, or for that matter, any individual. Ethics courses, at least those I've attended, have been largely a collection of "do be's" and "don't be's" (if you know what those are you're dating yourself) for no stated reason other than everybody knows we are supposed to be "good". cheatingYet it is usually neglected to point out why ethics are even considered. What exactly is good? There is an axiom that I've seen to be true. "Clean hands make for a happy life". It's a basic tenant that if lived by leads to happier more carefree living. In bad times it may seem a bit easier to be tempted to bend the rules; to go outside the bracket of what we know is the right way. What is right? I've got a thought. It is that which promotes maximum survival, when balanced out, for every facet of one's existence. Not just self, but for family, one's group, the whole of mankind; not to mention to all of life on this planet, the planet itself and all it contains, and for beauty for its own sake....and, yep I'm going to say it,  God.  Regardless of our  religious convictions I think most would agree that if we conducted ourselves as though being monitored by God even our most private decisions to action would be influenced. The person who steals may think he his benefiting himself. But look at the harm done. Harm to the victim. Harm to himself in that he can never walk, head upright and proud, into the vicinity of where he did the crime (which may include the entire world). He has harmed his family on many levels, his group, if he has one (likely he does not because of his individuation from his fellow man), and all the other areas. He likely will not maintain the stolen item, since he has no pride of ownership. One never really owns what he has stolen. Just think. I write this because I was recently approached by a past client requesting that I reissue an invoice for a past service at an amount higher than what I had actually charged. (There is no chance he will ever read this blog because he doesn't use computers at all). This client had been a good client and one from whom I considered the chance for  future business. But this request took me by surprise. To do so would likely never be caught by anyone. It might even secure this client's future patronage. But to do so would be wrong; not to mention likely legal issues that might manifest. I suspect the request was made to substantiate a bill, falsely rendered, to his client (my indirect one). That transgression was now calling for another transgression being asked of me. And so on and so on. Maybe he did this because "times are tough". Nice justification. Does that make it right? He has lost a portion of my trust. Interestingly enough, when he called, my instant answer was not "no". I said it sounded wrong but I'd get back to him. I had multiple voices in my mind, it seemed, saying things like," Hey, he is a valued client", or "I want his continued business" or "It might be okay" and such drivel. After hanging up, within about 5 seconds I got a grip of my own ethics and rejected the action flat out. I knew the slippery slope that such and action would likely have put me upon. There was only one right answer.  I phoned an told him so. I think he was, actually, relieved. Interesting. There are no valid reasons to become unethical. It never enhances ones survival. If times appear tough, the  situations are not made easier by taking actions that are not correct and ethical on the maximum number of levels.  All of us have seen examples of folks, in bad situation, taking futile and foolish actions which far worsened the actual scene.  And any gain, if apparently obtained but in an unethical way,  is only apparent. Tough times can test the ethical mettle of us. Maybe in only the smallest of ways. But temptations to go outside the lines of what we, in our hearts, know to be right should be quickly defused. I hope each of us will take care, during these times, to do what is right. That is what will get us through difficult and great times alike. Our correct actions will make the good times come quickly. Our clean hands will make for our own happiness, and our true prosperity. I do not write this as Mr. Goody Two Shoes.  I am not.  I write this as a little realization and self reminder that I thought I would share.